How Many Eggs Does It Take?
Convert from shell to Value-Added Liquid Eggs
from Michael Foods for a smart and safer kitchen.
# of Shell Eggs
Household Measurement
Lbs of Liquid Eggs
Egg Cost Comparison Calculator
Enter prices below
per dozen shell eggs
per Lb liquid eggs
labor ($/hour)
It takes 20 minutes to crack 30 dozen eggs & only 1 minute to
pour the equivalent of Papetti's® Liquid Eggs. Not including the
time it takes to scramble shell eggs.
Estimated shell egg labor cost is per dozen
On average, about 1/5 the weight of a shell egg is wasted by
throwing out the shell and egg residue. Not to mention the shell
eggs that come broken or get dropped.
Estimated shell egg waste cost is per dozen
Actual Cost per Dozen Eggs
Shell Eggs:
Liquid Eggs:
True cost difference
• MFI Internal Time-Yield Audit
• The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Assumes 30 doz/case
• Approximation based on Large Eggs